Osmosis Recovery can replace much of the facial volume loss that occurs with aging.
By restoring critical nutrients to reactivate fat cells Recovery alleviates the need for volume fillers while creating a much more natural, youthful appearance.
Recovery’s nutraceutical properties also helps restore your unique probiotic population and provides essential fatty acids, like omega-7, supporting health and cellular function.
As a long time client of Jamie's, I can say without a doubt that Jamie is responsible for changing my skin for the better. From day one I became hooked! Between her innate skincare knowledge, philosophies and product recommendations- skincare with Jamie has become a way of life. Most importantly I can see the change in my skin, but I also receive nonstop compliments from both women and men about my skin on a consistent basis!
"2 years ago I was struggling with hormonal cystic acne and I could have never dreamed of posting a naked face photo! No filter, mascara and cerave on lips only."
Skin is looking absolutely insane